
Showing posts from November, 2017

The big bang, dark matter and corebits within their relation to opinion and memes

This is an essay on the concepts corebits and their origin at the big bang and a concern of their misuse without guidance or previous understanding of what they do, with mention on means to actively control their chaotic and often self destructive behavior. This is a modified interpretation of science, with which the current understanding is lacking, only in the origin and reason for the existence of dark matter, with reference to corebit as the explanation and greater role it provided and provides for reality.  To begin explaining exactly what my concept of a corebit is, would require me first to define the big bang and dark matter as a form of hyper selective coincedence, resulting from nothing and its own hypocrisy. Nothing thus cannot exist by definition, therefore if their was only nothing it would have to imideatly cease to exist, resulting in everything coming into existence to replace it entirely. When I say everything I mean literally everything, not just what is per...

I'm so bored, thus I change

I have come to a realisation, the means by which i learn about the earth is through boredom, thats why I change blogs and make totally different things, so basically I'm running through streams of entertainment before changing directions and entertaining myself in new ways, rarely completely finish a project, but this boredom can loop back and can make greater sense if you watch the train of super boredom. I'm bored so lets continue with some meme explanations This is a reference to the idea that overtime, a person becomes so bored of his original form and state of life that he becomes basically totally different from what he once was, a kid growing up usually ends up as the exact opposite of what he was because at some point he got bored and went a different direction.  Its also a reference to a story I finished writing in my head but am currently too bored to write. That is therefore an example the paralysis brought on by boredom. Pretty self explanatory,...

Somewhere in the middle of a story

In the beginning their was nothing, in the end their was all. This blog is about a very specific concept, that their are other opinions and that they often do or don't agree and that they often try to make others agree, when all do this and none agree. This by absurdity leaves people unhappy because none listen to what another wants to be, preferring to expect them to be like themselves and not who they wanted to be. Still this would not agree with those who want to make people agree and thus this blog is about a means to make both kinds of people and more content with what they want or were looking for through only doing it with the people who agree on that specific thing of interest, even if what they want is to disagree and force others to agree. Because life is not always what you want it to be, no matter what you do to change it and this is only because their is always someone who disagrees. Thus because its not only what you wanted it to be, you can't change those w...

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