The big bang, dark matter and corebits within their relation to opinion and memes

This is an essay on the concepts corebits and their origin at the big bang and a concern of their misuse without guidance or previous understanding of what they do, with mention on means to actively control their chaotic and often self destructive behavior.

This is a modified interpretation of science, with which the current understanding is lacking, only in the origin and reason for the existence of dark matter, with reference to corebit as the explanation and greater role it provided and provides for reality. 

To begin explaining exactly what my concept of a corebit is, would require me first to define the big bang and dark matter as a form of hyper selective coincedence, resulting from nothing and its own hypocrisy.

Nothing thus cannot exist by definition, therefore if their was only nothing it would have to imideatly cease to exist, resulting in everything coming into existence to replace it entirely. When I say everything I mean literally everything, not just what is percieved by eye in the external world, this may seem absurd due to the absence of those things in the external world, but this is to be explained.

If nothing existed before what we see today, their would be no constraint to stop that absence from manifesting every hairsplitting possibility in the moment of its self annihalation. This makes sense since an absence cannot somehow contain a constraint in origin. Thus anything and everything was instantly formed in the anti second that was its birth.

However, after that instant of eternal all, most of it instantly also annihilated into oblivion due to their incompatibility with each other. Bringing enough energy into being to allow the remaining matter, which was totally uneffected by the other forms due to it not having an inversion outside its natural form, and was made of its own inversions in costructure and relation, to expand into the universe we see today.

Obviously it also had an oposite that could retain itself in existence for a time in high heat, with the rest of the matter, another selective process of this imideate and initial anihilation. The anti matter was instantly destroyed in portions of equivalence with matter due to the inversions of each, except due to the expansion a minor amount of one survived due to assymetry resulted  by the big bang. This assymetry is also resulted by the chance based corebit which we shall now learn about using the example of the processe's that followed the big bang.

The effort of the absented particles to reappear due to nothing still being present resulted in the corebit dialation of spacetime. Creating specific spaces among the permiated system of matter that had more gravity then others, resulting in the formations of planets and stars. These tiny fluctiations in mass are so small and scattered due to them essentially being the result of other matters existing and annihilating every moment of every second. This continued flow of matter that can't exist results in dark matter and energy for reality and the big bang.

After the formation of planets, the system in certain areas of chance begin to slowly complexifiy, due to the still existing corebit fluctuation, encouraging random events of chance, and behave like a scaffolding drawing in forms of being, resulting in the first cells to come into being from essentially dust being shaked in subtle ways and subtle variation of change.

In time the cells , which are also coincedently effected formed innitial shapes of life, moving in patterns of corebital orbit, meaning certain forms became more dominant due to the chance based system of other worlds existing and quasi physicalising within the system.

This is why we see shifts of change within the evolutionary tree as various worlds form from the dominant corebit, each with unique flavor, eventually resulting in the one of today. The problem is that one world is successfully formed and forming the other formations of the reality, creating a structure that is grafting various dark matters to the physical form and creating various formations, built from its potential predecessor.

So while each world seems to be growing linearly, it is actually the result of adaptive change within the dark matter, which is changing constantly. Thus the shapes are not evolving progressively, but shifting irratically from the one possible to the next conceivable possible one.

Then we reach the human being from that result and shift, due to its stablising form and behavior and its capacity to withstand most shifts in the corebit dark matter. Because of its own brain, which seems to be a selective, processor of none other than the dark matter that is being continuesly produced and changed. This functions essentially by random physical change effected by coincedence, within a system that can remember and forget those changes.

Thus the human mind see's the stable world in several unrealised alternated worlds that are annihilated every moment. So he brings about a world within a stable structure, but due to the other men who see another portion of this annihilated matter and brings about that formation within the stable formation, they both also then annihilate each other due to those falsely existing realities incompatibility.

Therefore, history is man's attempt to manifest his reality that he bears witness to in his head, resulted from dark matter effects, but is unable to form this reality within a compatible structure, due to his inate desire to annihalate the other incompatible worlds from his non existent reality.

This is amusing and distressing to observe from the outside, men destroy their worlds together, in a world that was meant to exist so that those incompatible worlds could eventually manifest compatibly. Since some form of foundation to an infinite reality must be formed so that its structure can actually exist as it is thus permitting an actuality of the reality.

Thus far our own ignorance has led us to destroy and imitate the moments before the big bang. Still this is only an update/meme search to know where I must continue on my quest to stabalise the dark matter confusion.

The answer was a question on how to stabilise a meme storm. ( Parts don't work. )


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